Monday, July 27, 2009

The Dynamic Duo – Scene 1

Scene 1

Characters: Young Barbara, Commissioner Gordon, Detective Bolt, Doctors 1 and 2, Joker (flash back)

Set: Chamber in Arkham

Screen: Fleet of bats form a dark symbol, the symbol of the Batman. The bats seem to explode from the center and fly forward at first then out in all directions. The bats regroup and fly off the screen to the right. In a flurry of red a American Red Robin flies off with them at the end.

Young Barbara screaming trying to get away from Doctors 1 and 2

Doctors 1 and 2 strapping Young Barbara into chair center set

Commissioner Gordon and Detective Bolt looking in through window

Detective Bullock: A couple of boys found her at Joker’s.

Commissioner Gordon: Any Joker?

Detective Bullock: Nope. We tried interrogating some of his clowns and they won’t talk.

Commissioner Gordon: They’re smart. They know what will happen to them if they blab.

Doctor 1: (walks out door to Commissioner Gordon) Commissioner, she’s ready.

Commissioner Gordon: Ok

Walks through the door to the chamber with Doctor 1 and Detective Bollock

Commissioner Gordon approaches Young Barbara

Young Barbara looks at Commissioner Gordon breathing wildly

Commissioner Gordon: Look at her, she’s terrified. Why is she tied down?

Doctor 1: We aren’t sure how long she’s been with the Joker. It’s likely she’s suffered the same effects.

Young Barbara gives a frantic whimper and breathing speeds up

Commissioner Gordon: (gets down to Young Barbara’s eye level) Shhhhh, we’re not going to hurt you. We just want to know your name.

Young Barbara’s breathing slows a little but still rapid

Commissioner Gordon: (stroking Young Barbara’s hair. Young Barbara flinches) Shhhhh, listen we’re not going to hurt you. We just want to know your name.

Young Barbara’s breathing slows.

Commissioner Gordon: Can you tell us that?

Young Barbara sees flash back

(Flash back) Joker hitting Young Barbara with fists, Joker laughs

Young Barbara: (gives a short scream) I’m sorry I can’t. (whispering)

Commissioner Gordon: (laying a sympathetic hand on the side of Young Barbara’s face) What’ll happen to her?

Doctor 2: The mayor doesn’t want us to say.

Commissioner Gordon: (sigh) Well, take care of her. ( gets up) She’s probably suffered a lot.

Doctor 1 and 2 shove Young Barbara into a room with other sickly looking children (Arkham Children)

Young Barbara looks around rapidly

Older Arkham Child: (gently grabs Young Barbara by the arm) Hey it’s going to be ok.

Young Barbara: Thanks

Sunday, July 26, 2009

About This Blog

In this blog you will see different writings including screenplays, stories, persuasive and an occasional poem. (Keep in mind that the screenplays are only blue prints and thus do not require a whole lot of detail.) I am very open to things you think I need to work on and/or ideas for essays or stories so PLEASE COMMENT. You will also see photos and updates on my family, and me. Thank you for checking out my blog!

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