Scene 3
Characters: Ace, Joker, #9
Set: Joker’s office
#9 and Ace in the hall outside of Joker’s office
Ace: Did he seam anxious?
#9: No
Ace: Did he seam angry?
#9: No
Ace: Anything!
#9: No, he seemed perfectly sane.
Ace: Well, we all know that’s impossible. (opens door that leads to Joker’s office and goes in.) Joker, did you want me? (shyly)
Joker: (tunes around to Ace) Ah, Acey, there you are. Have a seat.
Ace sees flash back
(Flash back) Young Barbara screaming trying to get out of chair
Ace: (sharp gasp) I’d rather stand.
Joker: (sits down, picks up a deck of playing cards and starts shuffling them) Suit yourself.
Ace cautiously approaches desk and opens a packet of cards.
Joker: Gotham is weak Ace, ordinary people with ordinary lives with ordinary purposes.
Ace: True, but out of millions of “ordinaries” (fans out cards showing them to Joker, plops them on the table and stabs a knife into the fanned out playing cards) there’s always one extraordinary. (pulls knife from the desk, Card on knife with the Batman symbol on it, point out to Joker showing the card),or so I’ve heard. I haven’t really met this “Bat”...fellow.
Joker: Well he’s not like those pathetic people, he had a certain fire that most lack.
Ace: So you were impressed.
Joker: Yea, something like that.
Head Clown: (enters room) The truck is loaded, sir.
Joker: Good. Get the boys ready, we have a date to make.
Head Clown: Yes sir.
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